Monday, February 18, 2013

Week Six Response

This was my first time using Garage band, and the podcast software within this program.  What an awesome program though.  

As a future teacher I think it would be awesome to have podcast set up for when students will be gone, yet still need the information that was presented in class.  I know this will take several hours to make happen for all lessons, but if I know a student will be gone for an extended amount of time I could go through my lesson plans and find the most important lessons, which would be the most crucial to them while they are gone, and have them watch and listen as if they were sitting in class.  

As for how my students will use this program, I think it would be really awesome to have the students tell a story to the computer and have to draw pictures, which I would upload for them, to go along with what they are saying.  This could be a fun way for the students to use a new piece of technology; however also incorporating other aspects such as planning what to say, writing a script and drawing pictures. 

Anytime technology is used in the classroom there are hurdles that must be jumped over.  One big hurdle I feel would pose a huge problem is that not all classrooms have access to computers with a garage band software.  Even though my laptop has this program, one computer is not very practical for 25 to 35 students.  I would have to come up with a way to get this program installed on computers in the computer lab.  Which would allow all students to work on this program at the same time. 

One benefit to incorporating podcasting into my classroom is just showing the students one more piece of technology they can use in their everyday life.  In my opinion you can never know too much about technology.  

These are just a couple ideas of how I will use the podcast software in my classroom. Once I become more familiar with this program, I'm sure I will come up with more ways to integrate the use of this program in my classroom. 


  1. I agree, podcasting would be very helpful for students that know they will be gone for an extended amount of time or if they have been gone for a while due to sickness or somthing else. It can hlep them stay caught up with the class or catch up with the class. Your sory idea sounds so neet. I might have to borrow it--if they have the right equipment to do it at the time.

  2. I agree that podcasting will be a very useful tool for students in the next few years to come. I really like the idea of making podcasts available for students to use while they are out of class. I also think it would be beneficial to the students to have access to the podcasts even if they were in class because maybe they need a refresher while trying to do their homework. I also agree that it will take more time from the teacher in order to prepare all the lessons on the podcasts, but it would be so beneficial to the students. I don't know how many times that I have wished that I could hear what my professor had said that day in class and I didn't get the notes on it.

  3. I really like your idea about how the sttudents will tell their story on the computer and have pictures to go along with their ideas. That's really creative! It would be difficult for all the students to do this activity. Hopefully there is a computer lab that can be reserved to do this assignement. If that is available it would be beneficial because the students will really learn how to use the software.
